10 August 2015

Short Speech about Friendship

By: Sonal Daga

A friend is a gift you give to yourself. Friends are those people in your life with whom you do not have any blood relation. It’s a relation of love and affection towards other people.
Your friend is someone with whom you feel comfortable and can easily share your thoughts and feelings. You do not have to think twice when you are with your friends. A true friend loves you unconditionally, understands you, but never judges you and always tries to support you and give you good advice. The friendship of Krishna and Sudama is a great example of true friendship.
“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” ― Elbert Hubbard
(from: http://www.shareyouressays.com/)

29 July 2015

Safari Ramadhan 2015 ~

Huaahh.. Nggak kerasa udah Safari Ramadhan ketiga kali selama di SM. Kegiatan utama Safari Ramadhan yaitu mengunjungi masjid-masjid bersejarah yang ada di kota Bogor.

Tapi alhamdulillah tahun ini masjid yang dikunjungi beda dengan 2 tahun kemarin.. Jadi banyak ilmu baru yang di dapat ^^

Hari pertama (6/7/15) kami ke MASJID RAYA BOGOR yang terletak di Jalan Pajajaran.

Image result for masjid raya bogor
(sumber foto: google)

Masjid Raya merupakan salah satu masjid terbesar dan termegah di Kota Bogor.  Masjid ini dibangun pada tahun 1970-an dan dirancang oleh seorang arsitek beragama kristen. (google)

Hari Kedua (7/7/15), kami mengunjungi MASJID AL MUSTOFA.

Image result for masjid tertua di kota bogor
(sumber foto: google)

Masjid tertua di Kota Bogor ini didirikan oleh Bapak Tubagus H. Al Mustofa Bakri pada tanggal 2 Ramadhan 728 H atau 8 Februari 1307 M.

Ukuran asli masjid tersebut (saat pertama dibangun) 11x35 meter, yang kemudian diperluas. 

Hari terakhir (8/7/15), kami berkunjung ke MASJID AL MIRAJ di perumahan Taman Seruni. Masjid ini tergolong masjid yang masih baru. Ukurannya tidak terlalu besar, tapi desainnya cukup unik karena bertingkat-tingkat.

27 May 2015

Pulau Bira!!..

Maybe this is not a recount text. But this is a best friend story >.<

This is me and Andin when we were in Pulau Bira.

And the story of this picture is....
Andin and I promised that we will always take a picture of us in every expedition we did together.

26 February 2015

The Other News Here!!

Tennis Balls Filled with Poison Found in Glasgow Park

Festival Park

Five tennis ball filled with poison were found in Festival Park in Glasgow.
The charity said, "We are looking for information, why the balls were in the park"

(source: www.bbc.com)

Anti Corruption Film Festival held in Yogyakarta

The Festival held on Tuesday, (17/2) in Taman Budaya, Yogyakarta.
During the festival, played fiction film, documenter, and animation about "Anti Corrupption"

(source: Berani Weekly Newspaper)

Headline News!!!

This is my 4th English project that i must upload to this blog, and it is for "Mid Term Test Ticket"

*hoof hoff hoff*

BMKG (Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics) Reminding About High Wind Because of Cumulonimbus Clouds

BMKG Ingatkan Masyarakat Akan Bahaya Puting Beliung dan Hujan Es karena Awan CB

"Some precaution that you can do are cut the old tree, fix the roof, and have protection incase of high wind."  Said Fachri, Head of Public Information BMKG.

(source: news.detik.com)

Afghan Rescuers are Searching for Avalanche Victims

Afghan authorities remove snow from the roads as part of the rescue after an avalanche in the Panjshir valley, Afghanistan, 25 February

They are searching for dozens of people believed to be trapped under the snow after the avalanche in the north of the capital, Kabul.

(source: www.bbc.com)

07 December 2014

Susur Pantai

This is my second video >.<

"What You Should and Shouldn't Do in Susur Pantai"
(from Susur Pantai woksheet)